隐私条款 -尊龙人生就是博


广州恒康信息科技有限公司及其子公司(以下称为“恒康科技”或“我公司”)尊重您的隐私,并认真的对待个人信息的安全性。您在使用我公司的产品与/或服务时,基于您的同意、合同关系或者合法利益等适用的法律依据,我公司可能会收集和使用您的相关个人信息。 恒康科技的隐私政策(以下简称“本政策”)向您说明我公司收集的个人信息及如何使用、保存、共享和转让这些信息,以及为您提供的访问、更新、删除和保护这些信息的方式。
guangzhou hengkang information technology co., ltd. and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as “hengkang technology” or “our company”) respect your privacy and take the security of personal information seriously. when you use our company’s products and/or services, our company may collect and use your relevant personal information based on your consent, contractual relationship or legal interests, and another applicable legal basis. hengkang technology’s privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “this policy”) explains to you the personal information collected by our company and how to use, save, share and transfer this information, as well as the ways to access, update, delete and protect this information for you.

before you disclose to us the personal information to hengkang technology, please read and understand this policy carefully, and visit frequently to understand the update of this policy. this policy applies to the websites, products, and services of hengkang technology that display and link to the privacy policy.

由于恒康科技提供众多的产品和服务,本政策可能并不涉及所有可能的个人信息处理场景,有关产品或服务处理特定数据的说明可能由相关的产品或服务在其专门的隐私政策中进行描述,或者在收集数据时提供的通知中发布。如对本政策有任何问题,您可随时发送邮件至 [email protected] 我公司联系。
since hengkang technology provides numerous products and services, this policy may not cover all possible personal information processing scenarios, and the description of specific data processing related to products or services may be described by the relevant product or service in its special privacy policy, or published in the notice provided when the data was collected. if you have any questions about this policy, you can send an email to [email protected] to contact our company at any time.

this policy will help you understand the following: how our company collects and uses your personal information, how to share, transfer, publicly disclose your personal information, access and manage your personal information, how our company protects and saves your personal information, how to protect children’s personal information, how to transfer your personal information across borders, notification of personal information leakage, how to update this policy, and how to contact our company.
我公司收集个人信息可能用于以下目的: 履行订单;创建和管理您的账户;为您或您的设备进行服务注册; 提供您请求的服务或功能;为您提供我公司的信息订阅;为您的设备提供售后维修服务;提供在线客服咨询、建议和投诉; 发送重要的涉及安全或升级服务的通知; 分析访问服务数据,改善我公司的产品和服务; 提供您使用网站或产品的良好体验; 查看您提交的错误记录,排查产品故障;改善我公司的防损和反欺诈计划;遵守和执行适用的法律要求;征得您同意的其他用途。
您充分知晓,依据可适用的法律,以下情形中,我公司收集、使用个人信息无需征得您的授权同意:与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等法律程序有关的;与国家安全、国防安全有关的;出于维护个人信息主体或其他个人的重大利益(如生命)有关的;为合法的新闻报导所必需的; 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益有关的; 法律法规规定的其他情形。
1. collecting personal information
“personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
personal information will be directly or indirectly collected by our company when you use our company’s products, services, or websites, or when you interact with our company’s information, such as dialing our company’s contact number, creating a website account, participating in our company’s marketing or promotional activities, etc. are situations where you directly provide information to our company.
our company will collect your personal data for the following purposes: fulfilling orders; creating and managing your account; registering you or your device for services; providing the services or functions you request; providing you with our company’s information subscription; for you provide after-sales maintenance services for the equipment; provide online customer service consultation, suggestions and complaints; send important notices related to security or upgrade services; analyze and access service data to improve our company’s products and services; provide you with a good experience in using the website or products; check the error records you submitted, troubleshoot product failures; improve our company’s loss prevention and anti-fraud plan; comply with and enforce applicable legal requirements; other uses that you agree to.
when our company wants to use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this policy or uses the information for a purpose different from your prior consent, our company will seek your consent in advance when providing products or services, such as e-mail notification, pop-up windows, blacked fonts, etc. to display the updated content, you can choose whether to agree to this change. you can revoke this consent at any time by the law, but this may result in restrictions on your use of products or services.
you fully understand that by applicable laws, our company does not need your authorization or consent to collect and use personal information in the following situations: related to the criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments; related to national security and national defense security relevant; related to safeguarding the vital interests (such as life) of the personal information subject or other individuals; necessary for legal news reports; related to public safety, public health, and major public interests; other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

1) 账号信息
2) 订单信息
3) 售后信息
4) 其他信息
the following categories of personal data are collected by our company:
1) account information
when you register for a service account related to hengkang technology, you need to provide a mobile number or email for identity verification, and you can also provide supplementary information, such as profile picture, nickname, birthday, etc. when you use a third-party account (such as wechat, qq, etc.) to log in to the business platform of hengkang technology (you can also choose to refuse to access our company’s products or services in this way), upon user’s authorization, our company will use the third-party server get your verification information. our company’s server will also keep the access tokens granted by third-party platforms and share them among the specific services used by users to prevent users from repeatedly logging in to third-party servers.
2) order information
if you purchase and sell products or services with our company, you will need to collect your delivery address, consignee, contact number, zip code, and information about the products or services you purchased when forming an order.
3) after-sales information
when you need our company to provide after-sales service or when you feedback on the problems encountered in use, our company will collect your name, telephone number, fault description, etc. to provide you with the necessary information for after-sales service. you can provide you with the necessary services according to the required service items. our company provides information, such as when you need after-sales mailing service, you need your mailing address and recipient information.
4) other information
part of the service or business process, such as hengkang technology may save the user’s phone number, email address, address, and other information on the server or mail system. if the user does not want to provide such information, you can refuse and notify our company to delete the individual information. when you apply for a job on our company’s website, our company will ask you to provide your job resume.
the following personal data is considered ‘sensitive’ and is subject to specific processing conditions:
• personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs;
• trade-union membership;
• genetic data, biometric data processed solely to identify a human being;
• health-related data;
• data concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation.
in some cases, personal sensitive information may also include unique identifiers such as criminal charges or sentences, geographic location information, financial and bank account numbers, social security numbers, and driver’s licenses. for sensitive personal information, if our company collects or processes, such as you purchase products or order services from our company, our company will collect payment-related sensitive personal information such as bank card numbers. in this case, our company will follow the applicable processing is required by law, such as seeking your consent in advance.

2. 如何共享、转让或披露您的个人信息
2. how we sharing and disclosing your personal information
in order to ensure the safety of your personal information, our company follows the principle of minimization and complies with applicable legal requirements to share, transfer or disclose your personal information:
1) our company has many subsidiaries. if the business is necessary, our company may share your personal information between hengkang technology and the subsidiaries to provide you with timely services;
2) share the minimum and necessary information with our authorized business partners to provide you with services;
3) when it involves mergers, acquisitions, bankruptcy liquidation, asset transfers, or similar transactions, if it involves the transfer of personal information, our company will require new companies and organizations that hold your personal information to continue to be subject to the requirements and commitments of this privacy policy and security measures, for example, will not exceed the above-mentioned personal information use purpose, otherwise, our company will require the company or organization to re-seek authorization and consent from you.
4) our company may also provide information to law enforcement agencies/government agencies if the company believes that the disclosure complies with any applicable laws or responds to legal procedures;
for companies, organizations, and individuals with whom our company shares personal information, our company will sign strict data processing agreements with them, requiring them to process personal information by our company’s security standards, the requirements of this policy, and related confidentiality and security measures. if the country where our company shares, transfers, or discloses personal information does not have the same level of applicable laws protecting personal information as your country, for example, when transferring from the european economic area to a country that does not have appropriate personal information protection laws, our company will follow this article 6 of the policy is processed to ensure the legality of the data transfer and the security of your personal information.

此外在适用的法律要求的情况下,您可能享有(1)有权访问我公司持有的您的个人信息;(2)更新或更正任何您的不准确的个人信息;(3)拒绝我公司对您的个人信息的使用;(4)要求我公司限制或删除您的个人信息; (5)以及要求我公司转移您的数据。
3. access and manage your personal information
if you submit personal information to our company, please ensure that the information is accurate. if your information changes, for example, your shipping address changes, you are obliged to update this information in time.
in addition, if required by applicable law, you may be entitled to
(1) have the right to access your personal information held by our company;
(2) update or correct any inaccurate personal information;
(3) reject our company’s use of your personal information;
(4) request our company to restrict or delete your personal information;
(5) and request our company to transfer your data.
when you request the above rights, our company may need you to provide a written request and verify your identity. under normal circumstances, our company will not charge you any fees, unless this request exceeds the usual requirements. if you have any questions about accessing and managing your personal information, you can contact our company by article 9 of this policy.

4. protect and save your personal information
our company will work hard to protect personal information from unauthorized access by strengthening physical, management, and technical security measures for personal information, such as access control systems, monitoring systems, encryption, anonymity or pseudonymization, and employee training. use, disclosure, modification, damage or loss, and other forms of illegal processing. our company’s information security policies and procedures are designed in strict accordance with national standards and will be reviewed and updated regularly, and our company’s security measures will be tested through a third party to meet our company’s business needs, technical changes, and regulatory requirements.
our company will save your personal information when permitted by law, and delete your personal information promptly when the relevant business is completed, without violating applicable laws and regulations. your personal information is generally stored in the place where the business is carried out, but it may also be stored outside your country. this is related to the location of our company’s data center. our company will take measures to ensure that our company is under this privacy statement and data storage. the applicable law of the location requires the processing of the information collected by our company. where permitted or required by law, our company will inform you of the loss, abuse, or tampering of personal information that may pose a significant risk to you, so that you can take appropriate measures to effectively protect your rights.

5. protect children’s personal information
children’s personal information is specially protected. hengkang technology will not collect personal information from children without the consent of the children’s parents or guardians. for children’s personal information collected with the consent of the parent or guardian, our company will only use or disclose this data in compliance with local legal requirements and the parent or guardian’s explicit consent. if hengkang technology discovers children’s personal information collected without prior consent, our company will immediately delete the data.

6. transferring your personal information across borders
hengkang technology is a technology service company focused on providing sales and operation management with intelligent and digital technology for sales companies (retail and brand). under normal circumstances, our company will process this information in the country/region where you use the product or service, and within the scope permitted by my country’s laws and regulations, it may also transfer your personal information to a country/region outside of the collection of this information. the personal information protection laws of these countries/regions may be different. no matter where the personal information is processed, our company will promptly inform you of the transfer destination, recipient, and other information by the law, and take measures to ensure compliance with this policy and the applicable legal requirements of the location, such as obtaining your consent or signing the necessary data transfer contract.

7. notification of personal data breach
any personal information breach, loss, hacked, or tampering caused by force majeure that affects the normal operation of the network due to hacker attacks, computer virus intrusion or attack, temporary shutdown due to government control, etc., the company will be in your personal information report the breach of personal data to the supervisory authority within 72 hours after the information is breached. when the disclosure of personal information may bring huge risks to your rights or freedom, our company will immediately notify you so that you can take relevant measures to protect your personal information promptly.

8. privacy policy update
our company may update this privacy policy from time to time; if the privacy policy is revised, our company will promptly publish the latest version on the official website. you agree to periodically visit these pages to learn about and review any such revisions. if there are major changes to this policy, our company will provide you with more significant ways to notify you, such as emails, text messages, website pop-ups, etc. significant changes refer to the reduction of user rights or obligations related to personal information processing promised in this policy, as well as changes in the purpose of personal information processing and the types of sensitive personal information, and changes in the company’s ownership structure, such as acquisitions, mergers, and bankruptcies…etc.

如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问,或者有关于您的个人信息请求与咨询,您可以通过发送邮件至[email protected]和我公司联系,我公司将在1个月内答复。
9. contact us
if you have any questions about this privacy policy or have requests and consultations about your personal information, you can contact our company by sending an email to [email protected], and our company will reply within a month.
recipient: guangzhou hengkang information technology co., ltd. (general affair dept)
address: 301, building f, guangdong software science park, 203 kezhu road, luogang district, guangzhou
zip code: 510663


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